Hokkani boro

Hokkani boro, also called hakk'ni panki is a term in the Romani language for "the great trick". Hokkani boro is often practiced by Romani people, or Gypsies, and is used to gain a client's trust and then his or her money.

It refers to any of several methods used to bilk someone of their money, and may be the origin of the term's use in the English language to mean shady dealings, trickery, etc.[1]


Several different methods of practicing hokkani boro are used. In one of them, a Romani woman gives a client a spell, which is believed to make money double magically overnight. After the client sleeps on a bundle of money notes, the Romani woman returns and the money has seemingly doubled. When the client is convinced, he or she gives the Romani woman more money to double. The Romani woman informs the client that the greater quantity of money must take more time to double, usually a period of three weeks, and it must be left undisturbed. Unbeknownst to the client, the Romani woman has taken the money and left only money-sized pieces of paper in the bundle.

Charles G. Leland in his book English Gipsies and Their Language mentions Hokkeny Bāro and suggests a relation between the Gypsy term for "sleight of hand", Huckneny Pokee, and the terms hanky panky and hocus pocus. [2]


  1. ^ Gresham, William Lindsay. Monster Midway, a book about circus life and side-shows. Victor Gollancz Ltd, London, 1954. (some of the chapters in this book appeared as articles in the following magazines: Collier's Weekly, Life, Esquire, True, and The American Weekly.
  2. ^ English Gipsies and Their Language, by Charles G. Leland, [1874]